Presidencia de juan domingo peron biography

Juan perón spouse

Juan Domingo Perón was an Argentine lieutenant general and statesman who served as the 29th president of Argentina from to his overthrow in , and again as the 40th president from to his death in He is the only Argentine president elected three times, and holds the highest percentage See more.

presidencia de juan domingo peron biography

Juan perón previous offices

El General Juan Domingo Perón fue electo Presidente de la República Argentina en , y En todos los casos llegó a tan alto cargo por medio de elecciones democráticas.

Was juan perón a good president

Presidente de Argentina: 4 de junio de de septiembre de , 12 de octubre de de julio de Rango: Teniente general.
Juan perón death
Juan Perón, president of Argentina (–, –), was born in Lobos, Buenos Aires provincia, on October 8, He entered the Argentine political stage in June , when, as .